The Abundance Generators Membership

THE place to be for high achieving women looking to uplevel their money game, pay off their debt and start living life without restrictions!  

That's me!

The Becoming HER Mastermind

3 month group coaching program

Get in the room with other high achieving, ambitious women who don't shy away from the "real talk" when it comes to money. From mastering your money mindset to learning how to make big moves with investing, this is your safe space to chat about it all and get your questions answered on how to become HER, the wealthy women.

That's me!

Meet Mercedes Collins


Mercedes is a financial coach who has been educating herself around all things money for over a decade. It's now her mission to pass that knowledge and expertise along to the next generation of women who are early on in their careers so they can 10x the timeframe for achieving their financial goals and create healthy money habits that will last a lifetime.

Over the past 10 years Mercedes has paid off $50k of credit card debt, saved an emergency fund of cash that allowed her to leave her 9-5 job in early 2023, have over 6 figures saved in her retirement accounts so far, AND owns a small multi family rental property.  All by the age of 29 and while being a wife and mama of two littles under 3!

She is a firm believer that money is meant to be spent and have fun, while also making sure you're taking care of future you by saving and investing. 

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This website has been created for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be used for financial advice. Invest at your own risk. All forms of investing are subject to risk, including possible loss of money you invest. Past performance does not indicate future results. I am not a financial advisor, therefore any information given or spoken on my account is for educational purposes only. Please do your own research and consult your financial advisor prior to choosing investments. All financial and investment options on my account are based on personal research and my own experiences. Charts and numbers used to predict growth are based on the average return or that investment, and are not a guarantee.